Art Fair Philippines, 2024
Photogrammetry, photography, 3D print, steel, charcoal, paper, bougainvillea
These research outcomes were developed and shared during a month long residency at Butanding Barrio, Palawan, awarded by Art Fair Philippines.
Buddleja, 2022
Self-replicating program, branches, shadow projection, sand with clay, cast aluminium
This site-specific installation was presented in London's historic Oxo building in collaboration with SENSE Collective. Buddleja is a collection of works exploring language and representation.
Naturata, Naturans, 2019
Realtime procedural render, soundscape
The culmination of a collaborative, multimodal research process, Naturata Naturans is a constantly changing procedural render that traces the lifecycle of a symbol as it is deconstructed and reconstituted through deep neural networks.
2d, 2022-2023

Acrylic, digital rendering, paper

Selected graphic design work.
Selected software collaborations, 2017-2020
Typescript, Cloud Infrastructure, GIS, HTML5
Selected collaborative research projects using purpose built software tools.
Selected material research, 2015-2017
Copper, ceramics, soft and hardwoods
A series of objects exploring craft disciplines, materials and processes.